However, when I need to recharge(my term for I need to breath and I need space) I cant think of any other place. I just keep comin back and I cant help it. During my college years, when life was still a bitch.. I usually had my vacation during sem break, christmas and during summer time. During those complicated time and college and the city completely sucked the life force out me.. there's only one place that I keep coming back. Its serenity replenish my parched soul. Staying there for a week or sometimes a month- just envigorates me and I'm ready again to face the maddening pace of city life.
Fast forward to present- I'm already here in this place, hundred miles away and far away from home. When life is blurry, nonsense and out of control... Sometimes I wish I could be there, just ride a bus or a plane and I will be home in a matter of hours, and again everything will be alright. But since I cant do it.. I just to close my eyes, and I'll be there.
I'll just have to post these pics from my recent vacation. Just staring at these pix makes me relax. Hope you like it!